Young and talented model turned actress Kashika Kapoor who will be seen making her debut with the Telugu film titled True Love answers our Rapid Fire questions with confidence.

Check here.

The super power you want to have:

The only superpower I want to have is the power to be able to make this world a better place.

Film character you are similar to in real life:

Naina from YJHD

The kind of inspiration you crave for:

For me, it is about being a better version of myself each day.

Tell us a joke:

Can’t really think of one…

If you are looking for a quote that will inspire you for a new day, what will it be:

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken

Your favorite sanitizer brand:


Something you are really attracted to during lockdown:

Spirituality – nam myoho renge kyo!

What kind of books you like to read:

Motivational, inspiring, drama, love, thriller based books

If you turn a painter for a day what will you draw that signifies your life:

My family

The kind of hairdo you love the most:

Buns! Just relaxing & being in them! Feels the best!