Pooja Hegde recently stole the spotlight in a show-stopping ethnic ensemble by Ritu Kumar, and the price tag? A whopping Rs 150,000! The Mandala-inspired outfit, featuring a top and skirt combo in luscious Flat Dupion, is a testament to the designer’s artistry. The round neck and full sleeves added an extra layer of sophistication to the festive look, making it a true Diwali masterpiece.

Pooja effortlessly embraced the ensemble, letting her long wavy locks cascade freely. The open hair added a touch of natural grace, perfectly complementing the ethnic vibe. Jhumkas swaying with every move, a bold dewy makeup looks accentuating her features, and a statement ring on her hand – Pooja Hegde turned every detail into pure fashion goals.

Taking to social media, Pooja shared the pictures with the caption, “Ready for another night of Diwali magic.” The post not only radiated Diwali vibes but also showcased the mesmerizing charm of Ritu Kumar’s Mandala creation. Pooja Hegde, with her innate style, effortlessly merges traditional elegance with a contemporary twist, proving once again why she’s a trendsetter in the world of fashion.

Pooja Hegde redefines glam in Ritu Kumar’s ethnic ensemble worth Rs 150,000 868309

What Diwali fashion calls for?

Diwali fashion is a vibrant amalgamation of traditional and contemporary styles, characterized by rich fabrics like silk and brocade adorned with intricate embellishments, vibrant hues symbolizing joy, and opulent accessories such as jhumkas and statement necklaces. The festive attire ranges from classic sarees and lehengas to contemporary fusion wear, embracing both cultural heritage and modern trends. Men opt for traditional kurta-pajamas or sherwanis, often paired with ethnic accessories like mojris. Makeup trends lean towards dewy, glowing skin, and elaborate hairstyles complement the celebratory spirit. Sustainable fashion choices are gaining popularity, reflecting a growing awareness of eco-friendly practices. Ultimately, Diwali fashion is a visual celebration, encapsulating the essence of joy, prosperity, and personal style.