It’s quite common for actors on a movie set to start dating. The fact is that a lot of people meet their significant others through work and how they get along and can start having affairs, and that’s not all that, different just because your work might involve you pretending to be another person altogether in front of a camera and hence adapting it in real life. But such affairs don’t hide easily and come into the picture however you try to hide it. During a lockdown, there had been many changes all over the world big and small, these are few changes that Tom Cruise and his co-star Hayley Atwell have to face during the lockdown, let’s check it out!!

Recent reports state that Tom Cruise and Hayley Atwell, who were movie co-stars in the famous movie Mission: Impossible 7, started seeing each other while filming Mission: Impossible 7 together, and we can state it as it was perfectly believable. Reports have found them together at the functions and other places and hence they are suspected to be in a secret relationship. But perhaps reports also say we should not believe them, and proved it to be just a bluff rumor. But we should be looking forward to further news.