Actor Zaira Wasim went on to share some sad news with her fans and followers recently. as she posted about her father, Zahid Wasim passed away. He died on May 28. Wasim’s note was emotional as she posted about the news and asked everyone to remember him in their prayers.

Her note read, “My father, Zahid Wasim, has passed away. Please remember him in your prayers and ask Allah to forgive his shortcomings, make his grave peaceful, protect him from its torment, ease his journey from here ahead and grant him the highest level of Jannah and Maghrirah (sic).”

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Following that, she also shared a long post remembering her father with an adorable image of herself and her father from her childhood. Her long post read, “Verily the eyes shed tears and the heart grieves, but we will not say except that which is pleasing to our Lord. My father, Zahid Wasim, has passed away. Please remember him in your prayers and ask Allah to forgive his shortcomings, make his grave peaceful, protect him from its torment, ease his journey from here ahead. May he be called to an easy accounting and be granted the highest level of Jannah and Maghrirah. Indeed, we belong to Allah, and Indeed, to Him, we shall return.”-

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As known, Wasim made her debut with the mega-hit, Dangal, and further received accolades for her role in films like Secret Superstar and The Sky Is Pink.

May Mr. Wasim’s soul rest in peace.