Bollywood’s glamorous diva Disha Patani, Kiara Advani, and Janhvi Kapoor look beautiful in western as well as in ethnic wear. These beautiful actresses have seen slaying in western outfits, and they also flaunt their toned figure in western wear. Disha Patani, Kiara Advani, and Janhvi Kapoor prefer to wear ethnic and western for events, awards functions, festive occasions, etc. For their daily wear, they are seen in western outfits. Their ethnic looks will make you go gaga over them as they look gorgeous in desi style. They look alluring in sarees, lehengas, salwar kameez, and they are seen styling it in their own style and design, and that’s what makes them look sassy in Bollywood.

These stars have a well-toned figure and are seen wearing a bikini and look damn hot. They look beautiful and can slay any outfit with their killer looks. They are seen wearing bodycon dresses to look alluring in western wear and grab the attention of millions of fans. Only on a festive or special occasion, they are seen wearing ethnic outfits. Their desi and western style are just fab, and they just look more hot and raise the hotness meter high.

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