Ritesh Deshmukh, Sonakshi Sinha, and Tamannaah Bhatia are the most popular actors in the Bollywood industry. The actors have achieved great progress and are known for their amazing acting skills. The actors have also appeared in numerous films and are known for their fabulous roles in their films. They just look fabulous and have amazed us with their mind-blowing journey in their Bollywood industry. The actors have always given amazing roles and they just fit perfectly in any role given.

The actors have also become popular and have a huge fan following. The actors are loved for their amazing talent and fans just love to see them on screen and their performance and roles are loved by their fans. According to mensxp.com Riteish Deshmukh, Sonakshi Sinha, and Tamannaah Bhatia have refused to do on-screen kissing scenes and they have strictly said no to these types of roles and scenes. The actors are not comfortable and they have maintained the rule of no kissing on screen.

The actors have just given their views and they are not against it but they don’t feel comfortable doing it. There are several other Bollywood actors who have also said no to on-screen kissing scenes. The actors have just impressed their fans and they are successful in making their fans happy with their fun-loving acting skills.

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