Narrator of Bigg Boss and actor Vijay Vikram Singh is happy to be ending the year on a high, with a busy work schedule.

Says the popular narrator, “Work and shoots will keep me busy during the start of the New Year. My favourite New Year memory is being cuddled up in the quilt at my Kanpur home, enjoying delicacies made by my mother and watching New year’s special program on TV.”

On how he looks forward to the New Year, Vijay states, “Generally I thank the almighty for the wonderful year gone by and also try to evaluate the year and learn from the mistakes. I am not the one who makes New year Resolutions. I generally try and learn from every mistake and try not to repeat them. The biggest gain has been the amazing acting work I managed to do this year.”

On the learning he had this year, he states, “Things happen only when they have to happen. What’s in your hand is the process and you should continue doing that diligently. In the New Year, I wish to keep doing quality work in the Voice over and acting space.”

Happy New Year!!