Colors the GEC channel is all set for a few important fiction launches. Suman Indori will be a family tale coming from the production house LSD Films. It has Zain Imam, Ashnoor Kaur and Anita Hassanandani in lead roles. The channel also has Durga starring Pranali Rathod and Aashay Mishra to be launched, produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moments Motion Pictures. The channel is presently working on a new show to be jointly produced by Karishma Jain’s 4 Lions Films and Rajita Sharma’s Katha Kottage Productions.
The show was supposed to have Randeep Rai and Aditi Sharma as the leads. But a change in script demanded younger leads and the search is underway to cast good faces as leads.
We at have already reported exclusively about thespian actor Shahbaz Khan playing a pivotal role in the show. If you have missed reading it, you can check it here.
Exclusive: Shahbaz Khan bags 4 Lions Films and Katha Kottage’s Colors show
Now, we hear of senior actress Kiran Bhargava playing the role of the grandmother in the project. She is known for her portrayals in shows Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, Kumkum Bhagya, Prem Bandhan, Sindoor Ki Keemat etc.
Our reliable source states, “Kiran Bhargava has been roped in and will be playing a predominant role.”
We buzzed Kiran but did not get through for comments.
We reached out to the Producer Rajita Sharma and channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.
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