Bhavya Gandhi and Raj Anadkat, both have been dearest to the country. While Bhavya Gandhi has played the role of Tapu for the longest time, but after he quit the show Raj Anadkat efficiently took his place and wowed the netizens with her work. However, what’s more, in common between the two, is that both of them are ardent social media users.

Talking of that, Bhavya Gandhi recently took it to his Instagram handle to share a picture with his friend, Aanchal Agrawal. The picture was first shared by Aanchal, who captioned the picture saying, “Just got my VIP pass for Tapu Sena from Bhavya Gandhi”

On the other hand, Raj Anadkat shared a reel, doing the popular “Catch my face” challenge, and killing it on point, as he manages to get all of them right.
Sharing the reel, he wrote, “Yayy I got this”