Many famous people, including actor Hina Khan, attended the OTTplay Awards 2022 last night. Sara Ali Khan, Kartik Aaryan, Neha Dhupia, Taapsee Pannu, Vidya Balan, and more celebrities were on the guest list. Even though they were all dressed to the nines, Hina Khan made a statement in a black see-through gown and demonstrated how to rock the red carpet in style. Hina’s followers are ecstatic as images and footage of her from the famous event circulate on social media.

Hina Khan appeared at the OTTplay Awards 2022 wearing a see-through dress and looking very stunning. As the star displayed her daring outfit and styling on the red carpet, the paparazzi took pictures of her. Hina was featured in several videos on the fan pages of her followers from the awards ceremony. She posted images of her look on her Instagram and looked smoking hot. The diva also shared some closeup photos and perfectly flaunted her eye makeup and earrings.

She opted for heavy shimmer eye makeup, and her bold makeup looks grabbed our attention. She wore long earrings, which made her look attractive. She styled her hair in a braided hairstyle and looked superb. The diva gave killer expressions, and we couldn’t stop gushing over her hottest looks. She captioned her post, “The magic is in you, baby.”

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