Sony Entertainment Television’s show Barsatein-Mausam Pyaar Ka produced by Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor under their banner Balaji Telefilms is gearing up for some interesting drama. As per the plot, Bhakti goes to the store room and finds a few tablets in Jay’s name. She gets shocked to learn that Jay is taking tablets which are banned and illegal. Bhakti decides to tell this truth to Aradhana. However, Neeta learns about Bhakti’s decision and plans her accident. A car bumps into Bhakti while she is walking on the road and she falls unconscious.

Reyansh informs Aradhana about the ban medicine case with several big personalities involved. Aradhana suggests conducting the inquiry in Shadra. In between the inquiry, the watchman informs them that there is a London-based company, they are in collusion with the local MRI and those people will come there today.

Now, in the coming episode, Bhakti will be admitted to the hospital. The doctor will inform Aradhana about the critical need for AB-negative blood, as the hospital’s blood bank lacks this specific blood type. Later, Aradhana (Shivangi Joshi) will tell Jay that Reyansh (Kushal Tandon) may have many flaws, but today, where Jay should be standing, Reyansh is standing with her for her mom.

Barsatein-Mausam Pyaar Ka Ep 139 18 January 2024 Written Episode Update

Reyansh will inform Aradhana about the ban medicine case with several big personalities involved. Aradhana will suggest conducting the inquiry in Shadra.