In Sony Sab’s popular show Kavya-Ek Jazbaa, Ek Junoon, produced by Deeya Singh and Tony Singh under DJ’s Creative, the audience sees major ups and downs in the lives of Kavya (Sumbul Touqeer) and Adhiraj (Mishkat Varma). Kavya gets ready wearing a stunning black thigh-high slit bodycon dress at the party where Omi invited her.

In the upcoming episode, Kavya meets Ovi, who welcomes her with a rose. He expressed gratitude for attending the party but asked why she had come late. But before Kavya could reply, Ovi, like a mature person, says that he understands that girls take quite a lot of time to get ready. Ovi insists Kavya become Adhiraj’s girlfriend without revealing his name. Kavya prefers to be Ovi’s friend. Later, Kavya gives Ovi his birthday gift, but he denies taking it and takes Kavya to meet Adhiraj. On the other hand, Vicky comes to the party, and his weird behavior embarrasses Adhiraj, who takes him to a corner. At the same time, Kavya is shocked to see Vicky.

Finally, after three years of tier separation, Kavya and Adhiraj come face to face. But this reunion isn’t a simple or emotional moment; their chemistry is grabbing attention. Kavya and Adhiraj meet at the party and indulge in a dance performance together, taking center stage. Their expressions speak about their love and anger for each other.