Pishachini the Colors show produced by Mrinal Jha and Shakuntalam Telefilms is churning out interesting drama in the upcoming episodes. As seen so far, Vidya suddenly notices ASR, Prateek, and Amrita turning into Pishach and is shocked and heartbroken. She rushes to Pavitra in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Rani is in her bathroom, sitting in her bathtub when suddenly the water starts turning into molten lava and she is pulled into it.

Rocky’s family organizes Navratri puja at their place. Pavitra and Rocky do the puja. While Pavitra prays to God to give her strength to fight Pischachini, Rocky goes missing. Pavitra gets worried and looks for him. Soon, Pavitra sees the ball approaching Rocky and makes a shield. However, he vanishes as the ball touches him. Pavitra gets shocked.

Now, in the coming episode, while Pavitra tries to find Rocky, Rani enters the Rajput family as the daughter-in-law of the house. Rani marries Rocky’s brother Sanchit and enters the Rajput house. The family welcomes Rani as they are happy to have her as their daughter-in-law.

Will Pavitra manage to save Rajput family from Rani?

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