Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan Written Update S-03 Ep-97 14th June 2022: Pakhi declares her undying love for Agastya

Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan Written Update S-03 Ep-97 14th June 2022: Pakhi claims that if Agastya looks into her eyes, he can see her love for him. She claims he gave her a cause to live and that she wishes to spend the rest of her life with him. Pakhi declares her love for Agastya.

Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan’s episode begins with Pakhi returning to her room and being surprised to see a man looking through their belongings. She inquires as to who he is. From there, the man flees. Agastya approaches Pakhi and inquires about the incident. Pakhi tells him what she witnessed. Pakhi and Agastya examine the surveillance footage. In the video, the man’s face isn’t visible. According to Pakhi, a guy must have the master key to enter their room. She demands that the manager identify himself, or she will contact the cops.

The hotel management shown in the Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan serial, claims that he is not a member of their team. According to Agastya, he was dressed in their employee uniform. The manager apologies and requests that he be given time to figure out who he is. Pakhi does not wish to stay in that hotel if that man returns. Agastya comforts her by claiming that he must be a thief. He advises her not to inform their families about it. Dinner is being served to Agastya and Pakhi by the family. Agastya, the lead character of Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan, inquires about Prema’s meeting with Sameer. Prema tells the story of her love for Sameer. Agastya informs Pakhi that she has broken her vow. Pakhi excuses herself and departs. Later, Agastya locates Pakhi. Pakhi sends him a message, which he gets. She invites him to join her by the pool. Agastya arrives, concerned for Pakhi’s safety. The lights come on. When Agastya sees the decorations, he is taken aback.

Then in Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan, Pakhi pays a visit to Agastya. She takes his hands in hers. She claims that if Agastya looks into her eyes, he can see her love for him. She claims he gave her a cause to live and that she wishes to spend the rest of her life with him. She declares her love for him. Agastya responds that he adores her as well. Agastya and Pakhi fall in love. Pakhi and Agastya are both sound asleep. Pakhi notices a man in their room. She runs after him. She catches him with shame on his face. She addresses Agastya. The latter arrives in a hurry. Pakhi claims that he was checking their room and that he must have arrived recently. Agastya takes the quilt away from him and inquires about his identity. The man claims to be a member of the hotel’s staff who has come to turn off the lights. He apologises and dismisses the accusation.

Agastya confronts the manager, threatening to defame the hotel unless he is punished in Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan. The management apologizes and promises him that the man will be punished. Pakhi is worried that their happiness will be snatched away from them and that something bad will happen to them. Nothing horrible will happen, Agastya tells her. The next morning, Agastya tells Pakhi not to think about the previous night and to play any game she wants. They have returned to their family. Agastya recommends that you play a game. They choose a game of passing the cushion. They participate in the game. When the cushion reaches Prema, the music stops. Pakhi instructs her to speak to Sameer romantically. Prema is adamant about not being shy. Pakhi, as well as everyone else, encourages her. She says some sweet words to Sameer. Prema and Sameer deserve all the good luck in the world. Pakhi tells Agastya that she feels much better now and thanks to him.

Agastya pledges that he will always find a reason to smile for her and that he will never let her sorrow affect her. He encourages her to continue to smile in Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan. When it’s Sameer’s turn, he’s asked to say some filmy lines to Pream. He behaves in this manner. Agastya and Pakhi are the only ones remaining. According to Naveli, the loser must kiss the winner. The game is played by Agastya and Pakhi. Pakhi is defeated. Agastya, Pakhi claims, distracted her by blinking his eye.

No, says Agastya. Pakhi is told by Shanaya to kiss Agastya. Pakhi challenges Agastya to be the first to catch her in Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan. Pakhi flees, and Agastya pursues her. The rope is pulled by the man. Pakhi is about to stumble on the glass bits as a result of the rope. Pakhi is rescued by Agastya, who falls on the glass shards. Agastya is injured. Pakhi is worried about Agastya. Agastya is perplexed as to how the glass fragments ended up here.

Picture Credit- Voot

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Sanroy Dabre: Whatever he does, wherever he goes, you'll always find him writing something, as if making notes. You can name him 'a person with a diary'