The episode of Imlie starts with Imlie writing a note. Sundar asks Imlie what is she writing. Imlie shows Sundar two notes, in which it’s written ‘come on terrace Aditya’ and the other it’s written ‘come on terrace Malini’.

Sundar asks Imlie what she will do with the notes. Imlie says this note will get Aditya and Malini on the terrace and then they can clear their misunderstanding and reconcile their fight. Nidhi and Rupal inform Imlie that they have done all the arrangements on the terrace.

Imlie slips a note in Aditya’s room and knocks. Aditya sees the note and says Malini cannot do such things. Aditya thinks of going on the terrace and finding out who did this.

Imlie then throws the paper on Malini and hides. Malini reads the note and goes on the terrace.
Malini and Aditya meet on the terrace and ask each other if they sent a note. Everyone comes on the terrace and says they planned to get Malini and Aditya closer.

Aparna says Aditya always gets angry. They support Malini and says that it’s not Malini’s mistake. Aditya gets angrier and is about to leave when Imlie stops him and asks him to hear what is in Malini’s mind.

Imlie recites a poem for Aditya. Aditya feels bad for scolding Malini. He hugs Malini and says he will never argue with Malini.
Malini goes to Imlie and says she did not write any poem for Aditya. Imlie says she was reading the poem from some book. Imlie leaves. Malini checks the book and finds it blank.

Malini goes to Imlie and says that the diary is blank then how did Imlie read the poem. Imlie says the poem was like a folklore song that she recited before. Imlie says she wanted Malini and Aditya to solve the misunderstanding.

Later, Aditya informs everyone that his editor is coming for dinner. Aditya asks Malini to make a chocolate cake for his boss.
After some time, a saint couple comes to their house to get some charity. Imlie greets them and thinks that they are Aditya’s boss.