Imlie Written Update S-01 Ep-483 28th May 2022: Aryan is dissatisfied with Narmada

Imlie Written Update S-01 Ep-483 28th May 2022: Narmada warns Imlie that if she can't get ready to do the ceremony, she should be prepared to divorce Aryan as well. Aryan is angry on Narmada.

Narmada begins the episode by warning Imlie that if she can’t get ready to do the ceremony, she should be prepared to divorce Aryan as well. Imlie is compelled to visit Babaji once more. Babaji instructs her to sever her hand. Imlie grabs the knife and is terrified of slitting her hand. She then hands the knife to Babaji, explaining that she only knows how to cut vegetables and that he must know how to do everything, so he may demonstrate by cutting his hand. He warns her to keep away from him.

Imlie hands the knife to Nila and instructs her to do the task, but Narmada chastises Imlie, asking why she is wasting time and not caring about her in-laws’ respect and happiness. Imlie claims that she would not have married Aryan if she had known she couldn’t have children. Sita Maiya must accept Sita Maiya’s decision. But she had always believed that her pain should be hers alone and that it should not be shared with others. They don’t want to hear her talk, but they do want to see her acts, according to Nila.

Nila has Imlie sit against her will and tries to slash her hand. Aryan speaks with Arpita about Imlie and tells her that he only wants to focus on her right now because she is more disturbed. Arpita advises Aryan to remain true to himself and to love his wife. Aryan receives a phone call and discovers something surprising. Later, he arrives at Babaji’s house and breaks a pot, interrupting the rite. He inquires about Imlie’s well-being. Narmada inquires as to his purpose for being here. Why did he call a halt to the ceremony in the middle? He replies, “Do you have any idea what you were attempting to do?” She had completely forgotten about logic and science.

Aryan should not doubt Narmada’s religion, according to Narmada. She simply instructed Imlie to give her blood. Aryan claims that if she had begged for Imlie’s life, Imlie would have given it up for her, but happily, Narmada did not. Her faith in her son had eroded. He claims that if they require a sacrifice, Imlie will not be the one to make it, but he will chop his hand. Narmada throws the knife away when Aryan tries to cut his hand. She shouts out, “Have you lost it?” as she kisses his hand. He claims that your remarks have hurt him much more today. Nila tells Aryan that Imlie, not you, has flaws. Aryan responds that just because someone can’t do something as well as someone else doesn’t mean they’re incapable. Nila isn’t a useless person only because she can’t become a businesswoman. Aryan thanks Jyoti for providing him with this information; without it, he would not have been able to save Imlie. Jyoti claims it is her responsibility to shield children from negativity.

At home, Aryan and Imlie are irritated with each other. They admit to each other that they would have been hurt. She hugs him and he tells her she has to vow she won’t doubt herself because of what others are saying about her. She claims, but the truth is that she is unable to provide him with a child or an heir to the family. He calls her a donkey and tells her to shut up. He forces her to sit and writes on a stamp paper that he will never abandon her in a crisis. He will always love his wife. Imlie inquires, “What happens if he abandons her?”

He says he’ll give her a foot massage after that, and she adds that he also has to give her a head massage every Sunday and do her laundry on alternate days. He concurs. They exchange a kind smile. He warns her that the road ahead will be difficult for them because not everyone will comprehend their bond. Narmada will be perplexed, and Nila will oppose them. Imlie claims that Arpita and Sundar are constantly on their side. He claims they will be each other’s support system.

Picture Credit- Hotstar

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Sanroy Dabre: Whatever he does, wherever he goes, you'll always find him writing something, as if making notes. You can name him 'a person with a diary'