Kumkum Bhagya Written Update S-01 Ep-2158 23rd June 2022: Prachi is removed from the scale by Alia

Kumkum Bhagya Written Update S-01 Ep-2158 23rd June 2022: Pallavi queries why Prachi sat on the scale if she doesn't want it. She receives taunts from Alia who claims she would never be able to have children.

In Kumkum Bhagya, Pallavi tells Prachi at the beginning of the episode that she will never accept her child as a member of their family. Prachi is thrown and warned to leave their home by the woman. Prachi is forced by Rhea to awaken from her trance. She requests that Prachi take her. She goes with Prachi. Pallavi queries Prachi as to why it took her so long to bring Rhea. I thought I was going to throw up, but Rhea claims it wasn’t her fault. In the first three months, according to Pallavi, people vomit. I had no idea why it used to happen to me, but Prachi believes she learned it from Rhea.

Then in Kumkum Bhagya, Rhea is made to sit in the puja by Pallavi. The baby’s father is invited to sit in the pooja by Kamaleswari. Rhea is seated next to Ranbir by Alia. Prachi feels sorry for the woman and her child. Kalawa is linked to Rhea and Ranbir by Kamaleswari. Prachi is a significant member of the family, too, Ranbir explains as he asks Kamleshwari mata to tie a kalawa to her hand. Prachi cannot take it, according to Rhea, as it is intended for the baby’s parents. Anyone can wear it, according to Kamaleswari. Prachi is made to wear the Kalawa by her.

Pallavi requests that she begin the puja in Kumkum Bhagya. She concurs. Pallavi turns to look at her Kalawa. Dida pursues her and requests that she tell her about her suffering. She is also told the same by Shahana. Prachi claims that she is OK and had a moment of emotion. We know you, Dida says, so let me know when you want to share. She goes. Prachi enquires Shahana whether Dida is aware of her pregnancy. Shahana claims she doesn’t know, but if she did, she wouldn’t permit it.

Later in Kumkum Bhagya, Kamaleswari declares that pooja is finished. She requests that they accept the elders’ blessings. The blessings of their elders are accepted by Ranbir and Rhea. To begin a traditional song of celebration, Kamaleswari summons everyone. A traditional song is sung by women. Prachi puts her hand on her stomach as she feels horrible about what she is experiencing. Let’s begin the Daan Punya ka ceremony with a weighing machine, Kamaleswari suggests. Pallavi assigns importance to factors about Rhea’s weight.

To bless the baby, Kamaleswari requests that people place their hands on the fruits in Kumkum Bhagya. They carry it out. According to Kamaleswari, this ceremony will shield the infant from the malicious gaze. When Alia asks Ranbir and Rhea to dance, she explains that the rites are complete and that it is a family tradition. Ranbir and Rhea dance. For the sake of her baby’s health at the time, Prachi forces everyone to touch the fruit. She then departs. She is being pursued by Ranbir. Prachi needs some alone time, so Shahana stops him.

Lastly in Kumkum Bhagya, Rhea is led to her room by Pallavi. Rhea expresses her joy to Pallavi. Pallavi wishes her happiness and informs her that she is delighted to have grandchildren. Pallavi asks Alia to look after Rhea while she leaves with her guests. Rhea is going to encounter a significant issue, according to Alia. Rhea queries her meaning. Alia is taken away from Rhea by Pallavi. Prachi places candy and clothing on one side of the weighing scale while keeping in mind what Pallavi stated about the ceremony. She occupies a spot on the scale’s side. Prachi can be seen seated on the scale with Pallavi and Alia. Prachi is taken off the scale by Alia, who then asks her if she wants to curse Rhea’s child. Prachi claims she is not interested. Pallavi queries why she sat on the scale if she doesn’t want it. She receives taunts from Alia who claims she would never be able to have children.

Then in Kumkum Bhagya, Pallavi claims that if you had shown Ranbir the love you truly possessed, Rhea would not have been pregnant but rather you. Hearing this hurts Prachi, who then departs in tears. Shahana makes an effort to find her. Shahana asks Pallavi and Alia how she can speak in such a way. You would have rejected the child and called it a bastard’s child even if Prachi had become pregnant. Now that Alia has agreed, Prachi has little possibility of becoming pregnant.

Picture Credit- Zee5

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Sanroy Dabre: Whatever he does, wherever he goes, you'll always find him writing something, as if making notes. You can name him 'a person with a diary'