We see Gang Leaders’ grand entry. Ranvijay calls out all Roadies. They meet after 6months and it gets difficult for Neha to recognise some contestants. During lockdown, there was an audition held and gang leaders chose one roadie who will be joining them. Sherya is the 1st Digital live audition winner and is now a part of Roadies Revolution.

Prince will join them later and will be back soon. Rannvijay says they have a chance to win one star. Four teams are selected. Rannvijay gives all the 4 teams the task. From every team, one person has to come ahead and cheer up their members, and gang leader will click their photo. The best picture and captured by a gang leader and their gang will get a benefit. Team Varun goes first, Varun breaks three pots. Nisha completes her part with an amazing frog jump.

Next team is Neha’s Team, Neha gets an extra stump. Prakhar completes his frog jump task. Tarandeep hits 2 stumps.

Next gang is Prince’s Team, Akash breaks 3 pots. Poonam completes her frog jump task very well. Poonam falls but, but she does not give up and completes her task.

Next Team is Nikhil’s Team and, Nikhil’s team breaks 3pots and get extra stump.

Varun’s gang completes the task in 6minutes and 57seconds.

Prince’s gang completes the task in 6minutes 35seconds.

Neha’s gang completes the task in 4minutes 31seconds.

Nikhil’s gang completes the task in 3minutes and 25seconds and wins the task.