Jethalal cannot believe his eyes after watching both the videos and seeing Bapuji drinking alcohol and is in dilemma and wants to know why Bapuji is drinking a lot and hiding alcohol bottles in the bushes. Everyone is trying to figure out what’s the reason behind chachaji’s this habit and they think that Chachaji might feel alone as Jethalal goes to work and raspy goes to college.

And this is the reason Bapuji has started drinking alcohol and Bhide also adds that he has seen Bapuji standing alone at night in the balcony and talking to Jethalal’s Maa and when asked by Bhide why is he doing this Bapuji says that whenever he feels alone he stands in the balcony and talks to Jetha’s Maa. They try to figure out other reasons as well then Hathi says that we should not guess the situations and they come to the conclusion that Jethalal should talk to chachaji’s friend about chachaji’s this habit but Jethalal proclaims that he don’t know who’s this new friend of Bapuji.

Then Taarak suggests Jethalal that he should straight away ask Bapuji why is he doing parties these days but Jethalal denies and tells that he do not have will power
To ask Bapuji about this incident. Then Bhide suggests that he should practice before them and later he will ask Bapuji with confidence therefore popatlal pretends as Chachaji and Jethalal practices how to ask Bapuji questions about party sharty. But Popatlal and Bhide interepts in between the practice but finally Jethalal with confidence practices in front of everyone and all applauds him and tells him to talk with Bapuji in the same manner and tells him that they all will come with him till society compound for moral support.

When everyone is in society compound Jethalal requests on of them to come with him but they tell him that if they all come with him Chachaji would think that all society members knows about their drinking habit and therefore cheers him to go alone and talk but Jethalal is still hesitating then sodhi gives him alcohol bottle and tells to show this bottle to Chachaji and see their reaction.