It is essential to find the root cause of your toothache to get rid of the pain for once and for all. Till then, we have a few home remedies that you can try to ease the pain.

We would suggest you see a doctor if the pain prolongs, but also consult a doctor before trying any of these remedies.

Salt Water Rinse
A simple call to water rinse, is a great and very effective remedy for minor toothaches. Salt is a very great disinfectant and helps you get a painless tooth in just a few minutes.

Cold Compress
Cold compress is another easy and effective remedy that you can try if your toothaches are harsh. It’s best to wrap ice in a clean towel as the ice will help ease the swelling in your nerves, in turn reducing the pain.

Garlic paste
Garlic has multiple medicinal properties. Making some paste using a clove of garlic and apply it around the affected areas. This helps get rid of any bacteria and relaxes the ache in your tooth.