Tara Sutaria has given a powerful performance as Apurva in the recently released OTT movie, which has been named after the character. The movie, which highlights Sutaria’s versatility as an actor, has not only impressed the audience but has also earned a top spot on Ormax Media’s Streaming Originals Report 2023. According to the report, ‘Apurva’ has become the most-watched and most-liked Hindi film in the mentioned category.

The Ormax Media report is known for its comprehensive analysis of audience preferences and streaming trends. It is a testament to Tara Sutaria’s prolific delivery in her OTT debut. The fact that the film is at the top of the charts reflects the audience’s appreciation for Sutaria’s nuanced portrayal of Apurva and the compelling narrative of the film.

Taking to social media, an elated Tara Sutaria shared her reaction to the news, expressing gratitude, she says “So proud of our films journey and the love we continue to receive.
Elated 🙂

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Tara Sutaria's 'Apurva' Emerges as one of the top Most-Liked and Most-Watched Hindi Film in Ormax report; she says

As Tara Sutaria continues to captivate audiences with her on-screen brilliance, Apurva emerges not just as a film but as a streaming sensation, affirming Sutaria’s ability to leave an indomitable impression as an actress.