Anjum Fakih the talented young actress has been charming one and all with her wonderful portrayal of Srishti Arora in Zee TV’s show Kundali Bhagya.

Anjum showcased her confidence, witty nature and even dived deep into philosophy to talk about her thoughts on getting her Mr. Perfect when we got into a set of Rapid Fire questions with her.

Check them here. 

If you turn a writer for a day, what is the topic you will write on:

Looking at the current scenario, I would definitely write something on normalizing self-love and the importance of valuing the relationships we have in our lives.

If not a celeb, you would have been a…:

I would have been in the airline industry. Maybe a part of the cabin crew.

The song that makes you happy always:

A well-written Shayari or a poem brings an instant smile to my face

The superpower you will want to have:

 If I was allowed to choose a superpower, I would like to have the ability to disappear whenever I want to. The reason being, I would get the opportunity to get away from all the chaos and spend some much-needed me time with myself without being disturbed.

Your go-to person when in need is: 

Of course my mom

Your acting inspiration: 

Life. Life is a teacher and inspiration for me. I draw inspiration from real life and then try my best to portray the emotions on screen

Your 4 am friend will be:

Sanjay Gagnani

Your best role till date according to you:

I think I like all the characters that I have portrayed in the past. But since I am currently eating, sleeping and breathing Kundali Bhagya, it has to be Srishti Arora

Your favorite co-actor from all your shows:

Honestly, I am fond of everyone I work with. I share a different and unique equation with each person. So it would be unfair to pick one.

The quality you look for in your Mr. Perfect:

I don’t believe in the concept of Mr. Perfect. For a relationship to be successful we must stop expecting our partners to be perfect, straight out of a classic novel. We must accept our partners with their imperfections and work together towards building a happy life, where both encourage each other to grow. For me, such a person would be my ideal life partner