Swarda Thigale is quite satisfied with her soon to wrap up Colors medical love story, Savitri Devi College & Hospital.

It is no mean task to have lasted for a year and a half in the early evening slot. I am feeling a bit lost after spending so much time with this Rashmi Sharma Productions unit. But then, as they say, all good things must come to an end.”

Swarda did not really become close friends with co-star, Varun Kapoor, “For both of us are quite introverted. But yes, I did get along like a house on fire with the others.”

Swarda is hopeful that with changing social mores, TV stories will get more real; like Grey’s Anatomy lead character, Dr Meredith Grey, having a casual one-night stand with her boss. “Such things happen and it is time we accept it. 50% of audiences might support, while the other half will oppose, but you can’t please all, can you?”

“Doing a medical show, I have realized that doctors are indeed next to God. But yes, they have personal lives, which we have focussed on.”

Looking ahead, Swarda now wants to do films. “I am working on myself, with dance and martial arts training.” She is also game for a web series.

In closing, Swarda did admit that very few people might have watched the show on TV, given the time slot. “But yes, lots did check it out online, where we have huge traction. I have received loads of fan messages from Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, etc.”