Indian Television has seen many shows being made wherein the female leads and their beauty is talked about in a positive manner. Pinjra Khubsurti Ka the new Colors presentation will be one show that will not only talk of the female lead’s amazing beauty but will also point out at the problems that her own beauty can give to her on a platter.

An interesting premise this, with a household seeing both sides to the coin. While the elder daughter of the Dubey household Megha Dubey (Akanksha Pal) is dark-featured, the younger daughter is Mayura Dubey who is beautiful beyond words. While the family does not get an alliance who can accept Megha along with her flawed beauty, Mayura indulges with men who only and only look at her beautiful face and want to take advantage of it.

Must say, this premise and the intricate complications that lie in the household is very well expressed and explained.

Mayura (Riya Sharma) the flawless beauty might have many admirers wherever she goes, but she is on the lookout for a guy who will accept her inner beauty without falling for her outer realm.

We get introduced to the King in the Marble business, ‘Sange Marmar Sartaj’Omkar Sanyal played by Sahil Uppal. He has grown from rags to riches; from a boy who used to break marbles for a livelihood, to owning a huge marble empire, Omkar has seen it all coming. The success in life has made him so headstrong that he wants all that he desires for. And his love at first sight when he sees Mayura’s reflection in the waters of Narmada makes him obsessive in love.

Obsession is the word as when he is told by his family astrologer that he will marry a good-looking girl but his ‘lakeer’ lacks the power of love and being loved, Omkar makes the astrologer eat back his words by piercing a marble stone into his hand and carving a line for love all by himself.

Well, the eager wait is how and when Omkar will meet his dream girl!! He puts all his men and all the sketch artists at work in finding out the girl. And when they are not successful, he goes to the extent of burning all the portraits that do not match up with his girl.

Meanwhile at the Dubey house, tension mounts with Megha not getting the right alliance. The mirror is shown to today’s society which believes that good complexion is the best attribute to have in a girl. Megha suffers big time with a complex, set right at her home, by the beauty of her younger sister. Though Megha is a lawyer by profession, her lack of beauty pinches her hard.

Finally, the moment arrives when Omkar sees his girl at the college. While it is a stunning moment as Mayura accidentally breaks the statue of Omkar, he is happy to have met her after a frantic search. His words ‘Jald Milenge’ …. speaks volumes, and this leaves Mayura in a confused state.

Omkar’s madness in the form of love is dangerous and suffocating too. And his mother (Jaya Bhattacharya) realizes it but cannot talk openly to her son about it. Surely, the worst is yet to come!!

Happy times are back at the Dubey house, wherein Megha finally gets her match. But the family is unaware of the eclipse they are going to face, with Omkar coming into their lives. The mad rush of sending the best of doctor at Mayura’s place to cure the burn in her leg, so that it does not leave behind a scar, is terrorizing. Wonder how this love story will proceed!!

Coming to performances, newcomer Riya Shukla is good. The very first episode had scenes where it needed a good actor, and Riya passed the test with flying colours.

Sahil Uppal as the arrogant, strongheaded Sartaj is doing a swell job. His face expressions, the intense eyes, the obsession in his body language are on the mark.

Jaya Bhattacharya as Manjari Sanyal is impressive. Anindita Chatterjee, Iqbal Azad, Akanksha Pal and Uma Basu as the family of Mayura are doing a good job.

The cinematography is good. The pace of the show is impressive.

Special mention to the introductory scene of Omkar wherein he is prostrating before the Narmada river, and Mayura’s face reflection is seen in the water.

Producer Saurabh Tewari has always mastered in the art of creating tough yet cute romantic tales. And this seems to be the perfect platform set for another.

Pinjara Khubsurti Ka is a complete package to be viewed by a family. Of course, the sensitive topic of ‘beauty’ turning out to be a trouble in today’s times will be relatable to the masses. The show will get a good word of mouth for the way the subject is being handled.

We at give 3 stars.