Rating – 2.5 stars

Reviewer: Srividya Rajesh

Shaadi Mubarak the new Shashi Sumeet Productions presentation is certainly not something that Indian television has not seen. Stories of the silent and weeping mother, who goes through all the atrocities of her son and daughter-in-law have been written and dealt with in films and TV. And let’s not forget that this happens in real life too and is quite relatable as a concept. So why not try the same formula in a new packaged bottle? No harm definitely!!

So we open up with Preeti’s life (Rajshree Thakur) who is excited and over the moon as she goes through the ordeals of her son Tarun’s (Gaurav Sharma) wedding. She has kept within her a 20 years old secret that she can speak, but has remained silent for all the years as a sacrifice for her son’s voice that had literally gone after swallowing a glass piece when he was a child. However, on knowing the truth, the son rubbishes it off calling it as mere ‘drama’.

On the other hand, we have the handsome and dashing KT, Keertan Tibrewal (ManavGohil) the Rajasthani film actor who has given lot of smash-buckling hits. The man has a past, a wife and the memories which pain him the most. However, his aura and fun-loving nature brings a smile on the faces of everyone around him.

Moving to Tarun and Rati (Akansha Sareen), the two of them are wicked in their mind and heartless in their actions. Tarun wants to keep his mother with him post marriage but does not love or respect her. For Rati, Preeti is just a housekeeper cum servant who will take care of her home and allow her to be a working woman.

Preeti’s only saving grace is her cute and adorable daughter Juhi (Shefali Singh Soni) who feels for her mother and wants her to see all the happiness in life.

And guess what? Preeti not only gets to face humiliation at the hands of her son and daughter-in-law, but also bags the tag of being a thief!! The ultimate result is that Preeti is thrown out of the house by her son, and does not have a place to live in. She goes to her daughter’s place to stay wherein her daughter and son-in-law welcome her with both arms, but Kusum Kothari (Rajeshwari Sachdev) her Samdhan does not like it.

Talking of Kusum, if there is one stunning character in Shaadi Mubarak that is sure to impress the audiences to the core, it is this one!! Mindblowing is Kusum Kothari in her mannerisms, dialect and spark.

As said earlier, the concept is nothing new. It is an amalgamation of two tried and tested formulae, one being the son and daughter-in-law not caring for the mother and the other being of a middle-aged love story that connects two contrasting people.

The future of the show depends on the manner in which the friendship and the relationship beyond of Preeti and KT will take shape. We are saying so, as the lady projected here is a woman with two grown-up and married kids. And for a lady like her to fall in love again, will need to be justified big time!!

Coming to performances, it is a warm feeling to see Rajshree Thakur back on screens. She has not lost the confidence and spark in her acting; in fact, she has blossomed as an actor with time. Her elegant dance moves, her expressive eyes, her emoting are simply fabulous.

Manav Gohil as KT has won hearts like how!! He is a sure shot example of how age is no bar for an actor. He is at his best as KT!!

But the actor who steals the show has to be Rajeshwari Sachdev. A wonderful performer she is, and the way she breathes life into Kusum Kothari is simply marvellous. Her antics, mannerisms, her dialogue delivery cannot be matched. She’s surely at her peak in the show.

Gaurav Sharma and Akansha Sareen are doing a good job and suit the characters to the T. The scene where Tarun argues with his mother and sends her out of the house was power-packed.

Special mention here for Shefali Singh Soni who plays the role of Juhi. A good-looker and an amazing talent, she has been at her best as the responsible daughter of Preeti.

Achherr Bhaardwaj as Sumedh Kothari, the son-in-law of Preeti is good. Dolly Minhas as KT’s stepmother has been impressive. Aleya Ghosh, Ayushi Bhatia, Trupti Mishra as Sumedh’s sisters are good. The show has veterans Manu Malik, Sandeep Mehta but not much has come of them as of now.

The show has been shot well, is pacey and gripping. Performances will be the key and should connect well with the viewers.

Overall, an engaging drama which will be relatable to the masses!! However, all will depend on the story ahead and how the KT-Preeti bond will develop. An unquestionable friendship will be good to watch, but wonder how any relationship beyond that will be accepted by the viewers.

We at IWMBuzz.com give Shaadi Mubarak 2.5 stars.