Bharti Singh is one of the most talented and creative performing artistes that we have in the Hindi TV industry. After many years of struggle, Bharti has managed to cement her place in the world of showbiz and ever since then, there’s been no looking back. She’s called the ‘laughter queen’ for a reason as she has the ability to tickle the funny bones of one and all effortlessly.

While she manages to make everyone laugh easily, she herself seems to be crying and unhappy with some habits of her husband, Haarsh Limbachiyaa. Well, take a chill pill folks as it’s all for good fun. Take a look at this video below where Bharti has a major complaint and you will go LOL –

View Instagram Post 1: Big Confession: On 4 years marriage anniversary, Bharti Singh reveals she's fed up of husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa, see viral video

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