Krushal Ahuja has had a fabulous year and more with his show on Star Plus titled Jhanak, doing extremely well. Krushal has been quite popular for his enterprising and complex role of Aniruddh Basu in the show. The show produced by Leena Gangopadhyay is doing well on the ratings chart too, with it being the No 2 show across all GECs ( as per the recent ratings). Krushal has a dashing personality and has been quick enough to garner a good fanbase. His chemistry on screen with co-actor Hiba Nawab in Jhanak, has been exceptional. The actor has a lean and trim physique, which he has achieved with immense training at the gym.
Krushal has been a very loyal workout person, with him devoting time every day to his fitness regime. He is mostly seen clicking himself in the gym and workout places. After being under the weather for some time, Krushal is now back in the gym, the place where he loves to be if not shooting!!
Krushal posts a picture on Instagram where he shows off his lean and sleek body. He indicates that he is back to the basics of keeping fit and working out after a break.
You can check the picture here.
Courtesy: Instagram
Krushal’s tall and lean personality has him winning hearts. His constant efforts to reach the pinnacle of fitness shows in the kind of physique he has. And to see him regularly working out and giving his best to his body is a scene to witness. This picture from the gym proves that Krushal has a high level of fitness sense.
We wish Krushal all the best to carry out his rigorous training and remain this dashing always!!