The recently held Zee Rishtey Awards was star-studded with a lot of celebrities seen gracing the big event. The celebrities from all the shows on Zee TV were present. Also present were the actors from the earlier popular Zee TV shows. Shraddha Arya the lead of Kundali Bhagya and Ankita Lokhande of Pavitra Rishta fame met and uniquely greeted each other during the red carpet event of the awards. A report on talked about this and we take reference from that story for our write up here.

It was more or less bumping into each other moment for both Shraddha and Ankita. Shraddha who was greeting and smiling at another person, and was turned to the opposite side, kept walking until she rammed into Ankita Lokhande. Oops!! Yes, this was an awkward moment but the two of them managed to handle it well. They met and greeted each other with pleasing smiles on their faces.

Check the picture here.

Well, the two ladies were dressed to kill!! While Shraddha wore a sequined white saree, Ankita stunned one and all with her grace in this black saree.