Sriti Jha, the Kumkum Bhagya actress is quite a fan of the movies, songs of back the era, and her posts on her social media profiles, say it all. Saying that the actress has recreated the 1962 Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam poster.

The iconic movie from the 60s is still one of the most adored and is considered one of the finest in the film industry. If you can recall the poster, Meena Kumari posing like a queen is something that will always remain close to the heart.

And now Sriti Jha being a fan shared a picture on her Instagram story, recreating the poster, as she poses nearly the same way like Meena Kumari did in the poster. Sharing the post, she wrote, “Audacity ki kami nahi hai bilkul”

Credit : Instagram