SAB TV’s fantasy drama Aladdin – Naam Toh Suna Hoga produced by Peninsula Pictures revolves around the journey of Aladdin (Siddharth Nigam) to prove his father as innocent.

In the coming track, Aladdin will get very close to reality as a dying Mir Mustafa (Vinod Kapoor) will tell Aladdin that his father Omar is innocent.

Also, Mustafa will hand over a key to Aladdin which will probably be a big clue to him getting closer to reality. However, the major problem for Aladdin will be that he will now know what the key will lead to.

As per a reliable source, “With this, Aladdin’s journey will get all the more interesting wherein he will want to prove to the world about his father’s innocence.”

What will the key lead him to?

We buzzed artists but could not get through to them.

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