Bhagya Lakshmi, the Zee TV show produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms, has seen an engaging drama revolving around Malishka’s pregnancy. Rishi (Rohit Suchanti) saves Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare) once again from Malishka’s cunning plan to burn her alive. On the other hand, Balvinder and Neil enter the Oberoi’s Diwali celebrations, leading to an interesting twist.
In the upcoming episode, Anushka is shocked to see Neil disguised as an older person at the party. She questions his reason for coming to the party, and he reveals that he has lost all the money in gambling. On the other hand, Malishka starts feeling dizzy, which worries Neelam, who decides to get Malishka tested for her symptoms.
Rishi bumps into a person, and as he turns, he is shocked to see Balvinder, creating an intense moment. Aayush asks Anushka about Neil as he finds him familiar, upon which Neil exposes Anushka’s truth that she is married to him, leaving Aayush confused. On the other hand, Neelam requests her doctor friend to check Malishka, which scares her as her pregnancy truth may get exposed.
Bhagya Lakshmi chronicles the story of a poor girl, Lakshmi. Her life changes after she gets married to a businessman, Rishi Oberoi. However, she feels betrayed when she learns the truth about her marriage and Rishi’s girlfriend. Now Rishi and Lakshmi are separated. Will destiny bring them together?