Zee TV‘s popular show Bhagya Lakshmi, produced by Balaji Telefilms, has seen interesting twists when Paro gets accused of harming Neelam in the past few days. As seen so far, Shalu and Aayush run away with Paro to save her from going to a Juvenile Home. While Rishi and Lakshmi tirelessly searched for Paro, but they couldn’t find her anywhere. On the other hand, Malishka gets jealous of Rishi, who accepts Lakshmi as his wife in front of the lawyer. Later, Neelam returns home from the hospital.

In the upcoming episode, you will see that Lakshmi somehow finds out about Paro and hugs her tight. She questions Paro for running away from the court alone, so she learns that Paro didn’t run away, but Shalu planned to escape. Lakshmi scolds Shalu for her senseless plan of running away with Paro, as this will prove her guilty. But Shalu does not listen to Lakshmi and lastly convinces her that’s the only way to save Paro, or else Malishka will ensure that Paro is sent to a juvenile home.

Lakshmi agrees with Shalu and takes the help of Shalu’s friend Ishita to go to her village. Lakshmi attends Ishita’s wedding in the village where everyone support Lakshmi and Paro. It will be interesting to see how Shalu will handle the situation and will Rishi be able to find out Lakshmi and Paro’s whereabouts.

Bhagya Lakshmi is the story of a girl named Lakshmi, whose life changes after she marries businessman Rishi Oberoi. She feels betrayed when she learns the truth about her marriage and Rishi’s girlfriend. Now Rishi and Lakshmi are separated. Will destiny bring them together?