Durga the Colors television show produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures has seen engaging drama with Anurag (Aashay Mishra) helping in Durga’s (Pranali Rathod) recovery after she was beaten badly by her husband Rajesh (Rishi Kaushik). Durga did not desire to live but Anurag urged her to be confident. Anurag expressed concern for Durga when she distanced herself from him. She asked him to concentrate on his studies and become a doctor. We wrote about Rajesh burning the village in anger at Anurag touching his wife.
The upcoming episode will finally see a showdown between Anurag and Rajesh. Rajesh will be at the royal household, complaining about Anurag to his father and family, when Anurag and his brother will arrive. Anurag will lose his cool when Rajesh will question him on his right to take Durga. Even while his family will question him on his right to help Durga, Anurag will get furious and will threaten Rajesh and will tell him never to beat Durga again. If he did so, Anurag would vow to get Rajesh arrested.
What will happen next?
Durga, is the story about a tribal girl challenging societal norms to pursue a medical career and her love for royal heir Anurag while facing opposition from powerful tribal woman Paani Bai. Starring Pranali Rathod as Durga, Indira Krishnan as Paani Bai, and Aashay Mishra as Anurag, the show airs on Colors and is produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moments Motion Pictures.