Zee TV show Kundali Bhagya produced by Balaji Telefilms is churning out interesting drama in the upcoming episodes. As seen so far, Nagre arrives at the Luthra Mansion and meets Preeta to threaten her.

Later, Nagre proudly tells Preeta that he and Prithvi are conspiring against her. He challenges Preeta that their new ploy will not just harm her but Karan too. Prithvi, in the police cell, waits eagerly to get bailed out and execute the ploy against Preeta and Karan.

Now, in the coming episode, Preeta thinks about Prithvi and soon Karan comes. He mentions that he going to play Holi and asks Preeta to join. Karan comes toward Preeta, while she is enjoying Holi celebration with Srishti. However, he goes to Natasha and applies colour to her face. Preeta gets shocked and jealous to see them together.

OMG! Will Karan play Holi with Preeta?

Keep reading IWMBuzz.com for more updates.

To know what happens next on Kundali Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!!