Megha Barsenge the Colors television show produced by Saurabh Tewari’s Parin Multimedia has seen engaging drama with Manoj (Kisnhuk Mahajan) agreeing to wed Megha (Neha Rana). As we know, Megha’s father put up a condition that he will give Rs 25 lakhs to Megha during the marriage, but will get them married at the Gurudwara, and will feed Langar to all the guests. Manoj agreed to the conditions and praised Surinder for his practical approach. Manoj and Megha’s wedding got fixed and this brought happiness to Megha’s family.

The upcoming episode will see Manoj and Megha finding Surinder (Akshay Anand) in a problem situation when a shopkeeper will humiliate him as he needs to pay them Rs 50 thousand. However, Manoj will pay the shopkeeper the money and will ask him to shut up. Manoj’s timely gesture and love will please both Surinder and Megha. At the same time, Megha will understand that her family is in financial need and will tell Manoj that she wants to use her money in the FC towards her own family’s betterment.

How will Manoj react to Megha’s decision?

COLORS’ new show, ‘Megha Barsenge’, highlights the issue of bride abandonment through Megha’s story. Abandoned by her NRI husband Manoj, Megha teams up with IAS officer Arjun to confront him and challenge societal norms. The show celebrates Megha’s courage and independence. The show stars Neha Rana, Neil Bhatt, and Kinshuk Mahajan in lead roles.