Star Plus show Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali has seen quite a lot of drama happening in the last few weeks. As seen so far, Pallavi and Raghav’s plan gets exposed in front of Mandar. However, the police arrest Mandar when he attempts to murder Pallavi at the Deshmukh house.
Later, Raghav plans a pleasant surprise for Pallavi. They also share romantic moments with each other. However, Pallavi loses her expensive gift given by Raghav and he calms her down.
Now, in the coming episode, Sunny comes to meet Keerti but Raghav warns the former. Raghav also locks Keerti inside a room to marry her off to an NRI, but she pushes Pallavi and escapes. Later, Keerti marries Sunny and returns home. Raghav, Pallavi and Amma are left speechless.
OMG! What will happen next?
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