Swaran Ghar the Colors show produced by Dreamiyata Entertainment has seen exciting and intriguing drama wherein Arjun (Hiten Tejwani) is hellbent on meeting Swaran (Sangita Ghosh). However, he is not aware of how she looks, and is only privy to her big jhumkes. He has been to Nayi Basti too but missed by a whisker on getting to know about Swaran.

Now in the coming episode, he will see a newspaper cutting which he will have Swaran’s advertisement with her picture. He will recognize the jumkas. However, since the paper will be shredded, he will sit patiently to uncover her face. He will take the pain of putting together the bits of the paper and will see Swaran’s face for the first time.

A lot of intrigue is being built up on when and how Arjun will meet Swaran. It is also being shown that Swaran is getting closer to Ajit with every passing day.

What will happen now? Will Arjun narrow down his search?