StarPlus’s popular show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, produced by Cockcrow and Shaka Entertainment, continues entertaining the audience. The show cast Bhavika Sharma as Savi and Hitesh Bharadwaj as Rajat are lead actors. Check out the written update of episode 1299, airing on 8th August 2024.
In today’s episode, Rajat (Hitesh Bharadwaj) sets a condition for Savi’s (Bhavika Sharma) marriage: she is to be only Saisha’s mother and nothing else to him and should not seek his attention. Savi also states that she expects the same from him. Both agree to get married for Saisha’s sake.
Thakkar’s family refuses to go to Bhosle’s house for a wedding discussion. They expect Bhosle’s family to come to their house, but Raju fails to convince them. Meanwhile, Rajat observes the situation and feels that he is marrying Savi for the sake of Saisha, but his family is arguing without considering his feelings. Similarly, Bhosle’s family is also facing a similar situation, as they expect the Thakkar family to come to their house to discuss the wedding. However, Shantanu fails to convince her family to do so.
Raju brings his family to the corridor. Shantanu also brings his family there. Bhagyashree and Isha refuse to discuss the wedding in the corridor, but Shantanu and Raju agree it’s a neutral venue by setting up tables in the passage area.
Savi and Rajat decided to have a registered marriage. When they arrived at the office, they asked the registrar to perform their marriage immediately. However, the registrar refused and explained the conditions for getting the registrar’s office. Savi and Rajat ended up mocking each other and then left.
Later, Savi gets a call from Ashika, but Rajat doesn’t interrupt and says that Ashika doesn’t want to know about their marriage thing and comments on it. Savi agrees and picks up the call. Later, Ashika sees Savi and asks her to meet. Savi lies to her that she is not available and comments on it.
Lastly, Isha and Bhagyasree play rummy to determine which style the marriage will take place. But they both cheat and mock each other; Raju stops the fight, scolds them, and comments on it. End.
Credit: Disney+ Hotstar
Please watch this episode on StarPlus.