Guddan says to Antra that you made a mistake in your overacting. she hits her head and she has fainted. Does Dadi say what would we do now? Guddan says to Dadi that she would open eyes and confess.

Antra opens eyes in a mortuary. She screams. Honda comes to her and says I rule here. Antra says don’t come near me. He says I will do to you that you did to your brother and me. You’re dead. antra says I can’t die. He says I have killed you already. Antra keeps on screaming. AJ says to try to walk if you’re alive. You are dead. She can’t move. He says look around there are dead bodies only. Antra says this can’t happen. He says confess your crimes before you go to hell. Antra says no one can kill me.

She says I killed my brother and you. You can’t do anything. Death can’t come without my permission. AJ laughs. Lights go off. Guddan and everyone come there. antra say what is this.

Guddan turns on lights. It is their house. Guddan says you said God can’t do anything to you. Your ego brought you here. The whole world will see your evil face no. Your confession is recorded. Now I have all the proof to send you to jail. You took my family, my husband killed Rawat. You will pay for your sins. My God is with me. Now your whole life would be your jail. Antra says what are you all doing. Get me out of here. This Guddan is lying. Guddan says you are alive and you will live your life in jail. Antra says ma please help me. Guddan says why would anyone help you? They are my family and with me. I have proof of you. AJ takes off his beard. Antra in shocking says that you…

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Saru says why are you doing this. Laxmi releases her. she says you can go now. Saru says that means antra is caught. She is such a trouble. Durga slaps her and says are you crazy? She asked us to let you go. Antra has confessed. Saru comes downstairs and says I was about to tell you AJ and Honda are same people.

AJ says antra we have all the proofs. You’re going to jail. We have your confession. Antra says this is Honda. This can’t be true. How are you all with Guddan? Today is my haldi. Everyone stands with Guddan. AJ says we were all with Guddan and will always be. AJ says I was there in old man’s place to marry Guddan. We fooled out with the honda thing. You confessed to your crime. Guddan says congratulations. You are standing now. antra says I won’t leave you. She slaps Guddan. AJ shoves her hand and says I am with my Guddan. I am with her. I will never repeat my mistake. I am with Guddan and will always be. Antra says you will all pay for fooling me. Dadi slaps her and says you broke our trust. We gave you love and respect. She slaps her and says this is for my Guddan’s insult. She slaps her again and says this is for separating my Guddan and AJ.