In the beginning, Ranbir tells Pallavi that if he had understood what was going on in Prachi’s thinking, he would have… Pallavi begs him to stop and wonders how long he intends to hurt Rhea’s heart. She says you’ll be moving like a pendulum till then, and she wants him to leave what’s in her heart and examine what’s in her intellect. Ranbir claims that he witnessed her misbehaving with you and threatening you. He claims she came to wreak revenge on us, not to love me. She claims he came to make our lives unpleasant, but I’m not as upset with her as I am with Rhea. He inquires as to why fraudulent signatures were required. I shouldn’t have done that, Rhea admits, and I did what I felt was right; I didn’t plan it. He claims that even Prachi hasn’t planned and that if she had, you’d be in jail, and my photo would have appeared in the press alongside headlines claiming that Ranbir Kohli has upgraded his personal life as well, with two spouses. She claims that you have betrayed me and that there was planning and plotting in our marriage. Prachi says she came to grab your happiness and wonders why you pretended to love me when you wanted to stay with Rhea and assumed your mother’s name. She claims that she will never tell you that she is carrying your baby in her womb because she doesn’t know what to call it: our love child or… She claims that you have mocked my love and now you must pay the price.

Ranbir arrives at the location. He claims that you assumed before I could say anything. Prachi replies, “You grabbed my Ranbir from me, and I snatched your Prachi from you, and now the math is done.” Prachi claims that she came to settle the score and to answer for the game she was playing with her life. Prachi says she got hatred in exchange for love, and she tells him that he would reap what he sows, and she begs him to leave her room. Rhea says she may go wherever she wants and asks him to tell her. Prachi urges Ranbir to inform Rhea that she is unable to see her in her room. Rhea declares that she has persuaded Ranbir to marry her and asks what she can do when we are ready. Rhea informs her that Ranbir has married her and urges her to refer to him as her husband, but only if he regards you as his wife. Prachi claims she doesn’t care and that she’s come to punish Ranbir and you, not to play ghar ghar.