In today’s episode, we can see that He claims that, just as I made a mistake in Prachi’s life, you have made a mistake in mine, and that we are locked in a confusing triangle in which you love and don’t love each other. Rhea says she doesn’t need to hear about our life philosophy and that she’ll just tell you the facts, that we’re married and that your parents adore me and view me as their bahu. Prachi arrives and tells her to keep her finger safe, then asks how she plans to make Ranbir dance. Prachi gives her an ultimatum to pack her belongings and tells her that she would be leaving in two days. Prachi cautions Shahana not to become enraged.

Aaliya introduces the server to Rhea and introduces him as Harish, who will serve Prachi a drink. Prachi will sign the paperwork, according to Rhea, because I’ve given her an ultimatum that this is her final night here. She says she needs to hear Rhea, and she claims she has your mangalsutra and sindoor. Ranbir says I…Prachi says you married Rhea and were looking forward to your wedding night. Ranbir claims he was unaware of the wedding night and that he had no intention of marrying Rhea or anyone else. Prachi says don’t make excuses like someone threatened you with death and you agreed anyway.

When you know my predicament, why are you accusing me? I’ve committed a crime, adds Ranbir. He admits that he has committed a sin, and says that you know how Rhea is and that if I don’t marry her, she would imprison me and my family.