In today’s episode we can see that Ranbir explains to Prachi that the drug is for the baby’s growth and that if a girl takes it, she is pregnant. Prachi claims that you have forgotten your attitude and habit, claiming that you did not ask me whether I am having an affair with Sid, but rather that you told me that I am. They’re two separate things, according to Ranbir. Prachi says it’s the same, and that you’re already pointing a finger at my character when you saw me with Sid on the bed, and that your next question will be whether I’m pregnant with Sid’s child. I raised my hand to wipe your tears or set your hair, he claims. and this hand today… He apologises to her and adds, “I couldn’t bear it.” We are not pregnant, explains Prachi.

Ranbir is taken aback and adds, “Don’t say that.” Don’t say this, Ranbir says. I know you’re upset, and he wants her to murder him, but don’t say this. Prachi asks whether I ever told you that I wanted to be the mother of your child, and that I was always focused on my job, and that I couldn’t think of a baby, and that it was a hindrance to my career, and that I never wanted to be the mother of your child. Rhea says we’re just getting to know each other and that our relationship is just getting started, that if we push him too hard, he’ll snap, and that now isn’t the time to go on a honeymoon. Pallavi says she only has to talk to you about something important, and that everyone is laughing at me, and that she can handle the neighbours, but that the trouble has now spread to my club members, and that she can handle them as well, but that the issue now concerns my image.