In today’s episode we can see that Balwinder, who loses the chemical colour on the ground, is saved by Lakshmi. Lakshmi explains that those thugs want to attack her and that she has to see their faces and learn about their adversaries in order to combat them. She rants at him that he has flopped everything and Prachi is still safe because he dropped the colours and betrayed the strategy in front of Lakshmi.

Lakshmi will not leave Balwinder, says Aaliya. She expresses her desire to obtain the same chemical colour for Lakshmi. He claims that Lakshmi is the love of his life. She informs Shahana that someone attempted to paint her with toxic colours, but Lakshmi rescued her. Lakshmi informs Shahana that she can’t just prove someone wrong based on a gut feeling; she’ll need proof. Prachi did well by informing Lakshmi about her pregnancy, according to Shahana. Malishka claims that Lakshmi became close to everyone at the event as if she owned it. Kiran claims that Lakshmi has a knack for catching rich people. Malishka says she’ll take care of herself.

Prachi is told by Shahana that she must search the house for adversaries. She explains to Lakshmi how Rhea has turned against Prachi. She begs Lakshmi to spare Rishi’s life from being ruined because Rishi has no feelings for Malishka. Everyone can see Rishi’s affection for Lakshmi, Prachi informs Lakshmi. Rishi admits to just loving Malishka, according to Lakshmi. He tells Aaliya that his mood is good because he met Lakshmi and that he is going to take Lakshmi, which is why Aaliya’s life is spared.