Kundali Bhagya written update S01 Ep1177 15th February 2022: Preeta makes a resolution

Kundali Bhagya written update S01 Ep1177 15th February 2022 we can see that Prithvi gets happy when Sherlyn discerns his plan. Sameer apologies to Srishti. Preeta resolves to get Mahesh out of the basement.

In today’s episode, we can see that Preeta visits Mahesh in the basement. She runs into Prithvi and hides from him. She notices him conversing with Mona, the nurse. She overhears their startling discussion. Prithvi gives Mona money and instructs her to carry out his directives like previously, without being afraid of Preeta. He tells Mona that Mahesh should be treated the same way he was before, that no one should see him from now on, and that he should be fed the same food as previously. He is referring to the medications that they used to administer previously. He advises Mahesh not to meet Preeta and her family. He asks Mona to keep his instructions in mind. Preeta is concerned about Mahesh. Someone’s presence in the basement makes Prithvi suspicious. Preeta hides from him while he searches around.

Earlier in the episode, Kritika tells Rakhi that she prefers Preeta to Prithvi. She claims that she has no feelings or respect for Preeta, whom she considers to be a phoney. She claims that Preeta defrauded them, that she broke into their home for money, and that she is now tormenting them. She chooses to back Prithvi. She does not want Rakhi to assist Preeta, the new owner of the house. She reminds them that Preeta has come solely to make money, as Preeta had stated clearly to them. Kritika has the support of Kareena and Bani. They are remorseful for not taking action against Preeta earlier. Kritika urges the family to rally behind Prithvi and pay attention to him. Kritika’s resolve to oppose Preeta is supported by Kareena and Bani. Rakhi’s heart was broken by Kritika’s words. Rakhi is concerned that the entire family is misinterpreting Preeta’s genuine concern for Mahesh, and that they are blindly trusting Prithvi, who is the true source of their difficulties.

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Sanroy Dabre: Whatever he does, wherever he goes, you'll always find him writing something, as if making notes. You can name him 'a person with a diary'