There’s no denying that styling your outfit involves putting in time and effort. To look great and presentable, you have to make your outfit shine.

Your shoes are a crucial part of making your outfit look cohesive and put together.

Shoes can make or break your outfit. They are very comfortable to wear and shoes go with any outfit you wear.

If you want to amp up your outfits, you can try styling your shoes in different ways. Trying to style your shoes and trying on different styles of laces is one way you can go all out.

Have a look at these styles of shoelaces that will make you look stunning.  

Flat cotton
Flat cotton laces are common laces that come with your converse shoes. They are basic laces that look chic and subtle. They come in different colors and if you want to make your outfit look out there, you can try them out in a different popping color.

Round cotton
Round cotton laces are laces that are most common with chunky shoes that are very much trending right now. They look very stylish and grand. They give your shoes a nice bulky look.

Braided laces

Braided laces on shoes were pretty known during the ’90s and have made a slight comeback with the iconic combat boots. They look very rogue and stunning with shoes that are a bit bulky and stylish.