Everyone shows different types of emotions in different situations, but there are very few who can control those emotions.

Among all emotions, anger is the worst and it’s very important to calm yourself and control your anger in the worst situation.

Anger is actually an emotion that arises in desperate times.

If your anger crosses the limit now and then, it’s time to address and resort to ways to control and manage it.

There are lots of ways through which you can calm yourself down and control your anger in the worst situation.

Here we look at 5 tips amongst them.

* Most important thing is to write down the things including your feelings and emotions. Immediately write down the things when you’re furious. This will help you to calm down.

* Always talk to a trusted person in your life, especially a friend. You should always express your immediate feel to them. Sharing and talking to someone whom you trust is the proper way to vent out anger.

* Venting your anger is not bad, but you should not cross the limit. But you should do it with utmost mindfulness. A productive discussion or dialogue can help.

* Breathe and do various types of pranayama, when your anger crosses the line. This is undoubtedly the best option to control your anger, as it helps you to calm down your nerves and relax your muscles.

* Most important tip is to soothe yourself with the words. When you have wrong thoughts related to anger, you can seek comfort in words. Words like Relax, Take it easy, You will be ok. All those words will help you to calm down and control your anger in the worst situations.

Those were 5 tips to calm yourself down and control your anger.

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