If you have been looking for ways to reduce the weight that you have gained in quarantine, it’s about time that you start working out and plan your meals properly. Before planning to shed those extra kilos, if you or someone who is confused and does not know if exercising or dieting reduces weight, keep reading to find out.

Often you keep thinking, “will eating healthy be enough to reduce weight without exercising?” Or “can I exercise in return eat whatever I please?” and the answer is, that both diet and exercise are equally important to shed all the excess weight that you want to get rid of.

Both exercising and a healthy diet help in burning the excess fat in your body. Having a balanced diet with the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and other nutrients along with a few minutes of daily exercise are all you need to lose some weight.

Your diet and exercise go hand in hand in making you fit and keeping you healthy. A clear balance between both will help you stay motivated, energized, and keep your mind clear.

When you think of diet, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to only eat vegetables and not have other food. You can keep your diet balanced by having a little bit of everything that you like.

Exercising for hours is not important but exercising for a few minutes so that your digestive system stays healthy is all you need to do one day at a time.

Therefore, having a balanced diet and exercise in your daily routine will help you reduce weight faster than just doing either of them.