Television actors of today put a lot of impetus on physical training and also hold a lot of credibility on how to sustain a good body and look the best for a longer time. Proper fitness regimes, working out in the gym, heavyweights etc become a part of life for them, as they strive hard to attain bigger goals. Today, we talk about the fitness secrets of actors Shivangi Joshi, Erica Fernandes and Shweta Tiwari.

A report in talked about the secret mantra of these three actresses and we take reference from that story.

Gear up to read on.

Shivangi Joshi sets up a pattern and schedule for herself when it comes to working out and giving her body the needed push for a healthy life. She used a combination of Yoga exercises and weights to achieve this.

Erica Fernandes is a superb fitness freak. The lockdown phase actually brought the best out of her when she was seen treating her body to a great high full of exercises. The kind of fitness-oriented pictures that Erica put on her social media handles, was amazing to watch.

Shweta Tiwari is a prime example of being ageless with respect to fitness. She has been in the industry for a long time, but has maintained her body and fitness level extraordinarily well.

Too good, they are in fitness!!