When you’re dating, there’s no law that says you have to share every detail of your life. Everyone wants to maintain some kind of privacy. However, you should be aware that concealment involves behaviors that might be damaging to you, your guy, or your relationship. If you’ve ever had the impression that your boyfriend is concealing information from you and playing a game of deception, you’re probably correct.Men conceal a variety of secrets: unlawful sexual behavior, unemployment or work troubles, money problems, gambling, run-ins with the authorities, a substance abuse problem… The list goes on and on. Here are a few telltale signals that should pique your interest as a detective.

1. He seems distant

Is your boyfriend suddenly withdrawing and refusing to engage in conversation? This might be due to his wish to avoid being caught in a scenario where he might unintentionally or be forced to reveal a secret. Staying distant communicates the message that he will not engage with you, even if you express interest.

2. He does not let you see his phone

A man who is concerned about the security of his phone and laptop definitely has a lot to conceal. This is the first sign that something isn’t quite right. While many men despite having their privacy invaded, dramatic reactions such as checking to see whether you saw him type in his password or panicking out because you unintentionally caught a glance of his phone are not typical.

3. He lies about his whereabouts

If a guy has nothing to conceal, he will not need to lie about his whereabouts. Is he keeping a tight lid on where he’s going and who he’ll be meeting? If you’ve ever discovered disparities between his story of where he was on a given day and what you learned from his buddies, he’s certainly doing things he knows you won’t approve of.

Source: m.femina-in