For happy married life, love and affection are very important. Building a healthy and happy partnership is not that easy when there is a breach of trust. There are chances of blaming and judgment. But in this situation, you need to keep your love from being damaged. Here we look at a few things.

* Take full responsibility for what is happening in the relationship and be understanding of how your behavior hurt your partner.
* Allow your partner to win your trust back. Don’t allow your love from being damaged by blaming and judgment. For that, trust plays an important role.
* Practice transparency always in a relationship, especially when there it’s being damaged due to certain things.
* Always extend compassion and care to the person you hurt. Also, manage expectations, rather than blaming and judging. Discuss with your partner and set rules for exclusiveness and commitment to each other.
* Plan weekly meetings that will allow both of you about difficult and controversial topics. Also talk about topics such as money, s*x as well as a trust so that these don’t bleed over into all of your interactions.
* Most importantly try to go for a compromise. All relationships require to give and take. For more happiness and fulfillment, you need to be accomodating of the other person’s needs and preferences.
Those were a few things for keeping your love from being damaged by blaming and judgment. All the above things you need to follow in your relationship.